November 20, 2009

Back from Hamburg

The best way to concure any bromblem or chrisis or just keep your life satisfyable is to leave the country:) Last week I had the privilidge to spentd some real quality time at Hamburg, Germany with 5 of my very special girls.

Thank you for the friendly staff of our hostel Backbackers St.Pauli. The place was very nice to stay, I totally recommend it, if you are thinking about visiting Hamburg soon.

November 6, 2009

Visual Identity of the week

Introducing eye catching visual identities I have found in Pori.
I´ll give you one every friday
Here´s the first:

Back in the Atelje/ introducing Cafe Petra

It has been a month long brake from my favourite course Painting & Drawing. All autumn we have been painting, but now we started drawing. The first assignment was to find a interesting location in the city and start drawing anything. I found a comfy cafe from the infamous kävis where I spend the evening with a cup of cafe and a carrot cake. Not so bad.

November 3, 2009


Semester brake vol.2

Preparing for winter. We made a trip to the woods to get some logs for us to burn in the stove.

Semester brake!

A couple of weeks ago I visited Tampere and visited the 4th Triennale of Pirkanmaa in Tampere City Museum. The exhibition was exhilarating, presenting works of young aritists from the field of Fine Art and Comic art. Unfortunately I was not allowed to photograph inside, but here´s one piece that was done in front of the Museum by Aino Louhi and Kaija Papu.

New friends

Reading and writing have become familliar to me this autumn after several years of just doing everything else. My new favourite subject has turned out to be digital culture. Anyone interrested in the history of Internet and computers should read Richard Gere´s Digital Culture. Donald A. Norman is also a facinating new friend: The design of everyday things and The future of everyday things open the principles of "good design"

October 23, 2009

Hiding away from the rain

The Pori Market Hall had given me a warm welcome as I visited it the first time in the entrance exam, so it definately deserved another visit.

It´s official....autumn

First impressions...

Good morning Poribello

Welcome home!